My Services

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Why choose us - Company X Webflow Template

“I have over 15 years’ experience in a number of roles in financial services and fully appreciate why, to many of us, obtaining and acting on a long-term financial plan can seem daunting and intimidating.”

Claire Evans
Money Pathways


Money Pathway offers a range of services and solutions that are targeted at empowering financial planners to maximise the benefits of cashflow modelling, as an integral part of lifestyle financial planning


Financial well-being is important to our sense of fulfilment and happiness but what does this mean? In simple terms it means having an understanding that, even at the toughest times, you are making plans and taking decisions that are in your own interests and will serve you and your loved ones well now and into the future.

Cashflow Academy

The course has been designed for new and non-expert users seeking to maximise the client benefits of cashflow modelling.