Money Pathway | Cashflow academy programme

Cashflow academy programme

Learning objectives.

The course has been designed for new and non-expert users seeking to maximise the client benefits of cashflow modelling.

The learner will develop their skills to be able to create robust financial lifetime plans for clients and deliver them in an impactful and thoughtful way. The learning is tailored to each individual and includes up to 10 hour long workshops which experience has shown is the amount of time required to really master the Voyant software.

All of this supports the key elements of consumer duty and in particular:

Establishing meaningful needs and goals
Presenting information to consumers in a way they understand
Fair value exchange – what is the value of your advice vs costs and charges
Applying the same standards and capabilities to delivering good client outcomes as firms do to generating sales and revenue
Money Pathway | Bespoke Coaching on Lifestyle & Cashflow Services to Businesses & Consumers

Course structure

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